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심폐소생술 동영상

<script src="/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.11.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> flowplayer( "movie_play_box1", {/*FLASH CONFIGURATION*/ src : "/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", wmode : "transparent", width: 368, height: 265, SeamlessTabbing: false ,onFail: function () { document.getElementById("alertbox").innerHTML = "동영상을 보시려면 플래시 플레이어를 설치하셔야 합니다." + this.getVersion(); } }, {/*PLAYER CONFIGURATION*/ playlist: [ {url: '', scaling: 'fit'}, {url: '', autoPlay: false, scaling: 'fit'} ] ,plugins: { controls: { url: "/flowplayer/flowplayer.controls-3.2.14.swf", // display properties bottom:0, height:24, //zIndex:0, backgroundColor: '#2d3e46', backgroundGradient: 'low', // controlbar-specific configuration fontColor: '#ffffff', timeFontColor: '#333333', autoHide: 'never' // which buttons are visible and which are not? ,play:true ,volume:true ,mute:true ,time:false ,stop:false ,playlist:false ,fullscreen:true // scrubber is a well-known nickname for the timeline/playhead // combination ,scrubber: true } } } ); </script>

성인심폐소생술 따라하기
<script type="text/javascript"> flowplayer( "movie_play_box2", {/*FLASH CONFIGURATION*/ src : "/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", wmode : "transparent", width: 368, height: 265, SeamlessTabbing: false ,onFail: function () { document.getElementById("alertbox").innerHTML = "동영상을 보시려면 플래시 플레이어를 설치하셔야 합니다." + this.getVersion(); } }, {/*PLAYER CONFIGURATION*/ playlist: [ {url: '', scaling: 'fit'}, {url: '', autoPlay: false, scaling: 'fit'} ] ,plugins: { controls: { url: "/flowplayer/flowplayer.controls-3.2.14.swf", // display properties bottom:0, height:24, //zIndex:0, backgroundColor: '#2d3e46', backgroundGradient: 'low', // controlbar-specific configuration fontColor: '#ffffff', timeFontColor: '#333333', autoHide: 'never' // which buttons are visible and which are not? ,play:true ,volume:true ,mute:true ,time:false ,stop:false ,playlist:false ,fullscreen:true // scrubber is a well-known nickname for the timeline/playhead // combination ,scrubber: true } } } ); </script>

영유아심폐소생술 따라하기
<script type="text/javascript"> flowplayer( "movie_play_box3", {/*FLASH CONFIGURATION*/ src : "/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", wmode : "transparent", width: 368, height: 265, SeamlessTabbing: false ,onFail: function () { document.getElementById("alertbox").innerHTML = "동영상을 보시려면 플래시 플레이어를 설치하셔야 합니다." + this.getVersion(); } }, {/*PLAYER CONFIGURATION*/ playlist: [ {url: '', scaling: 'fit'}, {url: '', autoPlay: false, scaling: 'fit'} ] ,plugins: { controls: { url: "/flowplayer/flowplayer.controls-3.2.14.swf", // display properties bottom:0, height:24, //zIndex:0, backgroundColor: '#2d3e46', backgroundGradient: 'low', // controlbar-specific configuration fontColor: '#ffffff', timeFontColor: '#333333', autoHide: 'never' // which buttons are visible and which are not? ,play:true ,volume:true ,mute:true ,time:false ,stop:false ,playlist:false ,fullscreen:true // scrubber is a well-known nickname for the timeline/playhead // combination ,scrubber: true } } } ); </script>

자동제세동기 사용법
<script type="text/javascript"> flowplayer( "movie_play_box4", {/*FLASH CONFIGURATION*/ src : "/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", wmode : "transparent", width: 368, height: 265, SeamlessTabbing: false ,onFail: function () { document.getElementById("alertbox").innerHTML = "동영상을 보시려면 플래시 플레이어를 설치하셔야 합니다." + this.getVersion(); } }, {/*PLAYER CONFIGURATION*/ playlist: [ {url: '', scaling: 'fit'}, {url: '', autoPlay: false, scaling: 'fit'} ] ,plugins: { controls: { url: "/flowplayer/flowplayer.controls-3.2.14.swf", // display properties bottom:0, height:24, //zIndex:0, backgroundColor: '#2d3e46', backgroundGradient: 'low', // controlbar-specific configuration fontColor: '#ffffff', timeFontColor: '#333333', autoHide: 'never' // which buttons are visible and which are not? ,play:true ,volume:true ,mute:true ,time:false ,stop:false ,playlist:false ,fullscreen:true // scrubber is a well-known nickname for the timeline/playhead // combination ,scrubber: true } } } ); </script>
Insert title here

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